this space can hold all of you

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”

This practice is about gently turning towards the wound, rather than away from it. Recognizing that we are all carrying something, I offer a space of tender hearted truth-telling and deep listening.
This is a space where you have voice and choice. A space where everything is included. A space where your brave soul can emerge.

Deeply personalized practices of meditation, gentle movement, and exploratory dialogue, invite you to expand the ways you relate to your life.
Structures of power are leveled so the brave soul can emerge. In this space of radical acceptance, you are invited to get curious about your fully human self and cultivate a more expansive relationship to it.
I work within a shared vulnerability framework. You show up just as you are, and so do I. I will be a compassionate witness for you, holding a steady and generous space for your own healing to occur.

“Lara meets me where I am. She is gentle yet clear, and gives me the space and tools I need to heal and rest."
— Lily

“I feel deeply seen, cared for and safe to look at the parts of myself that I'm not proud of.”
— Devin